Monday, June 25, 2012

Popular Culture "we're all doomed"

Thesis: Is this all that the media can produce for us?

     This Youtube clip is able to portray a wide expansion of popular culture and how there is not as much learn for ability.  One of the topic's that he portrayed was a quote from D. Laughey.  So I did a search under the google search parameters, and found (
 So I was able to find a good source on D. Laughey.

      Another point that he is trying to get across is a twitter fact where you are only able to post a comment with 140 characters or less for a statement.  So in a way of how he is saying this is the media is not what to think of, but what to think about.  It limits the statements to mere phrases, which directs the attention in that form for a directional thought.

       Another quote he portrayed is by G. Debord

       This is where I was able to find the closest quote where he was able to mention the quote of "The spectacle is therefore not primarily a collection of images but a social relationship between people and mediated images... [creating] a false reality that conceals a world of capitalist exploitation and class division." (G. Debord).  In other words, the images are purposeful for the placement of products.  This shows the exploitation for capitalist promoted by class division of a trail of promoted wealth.

        Just like youtube is able to have people promote themselves for popular gain, status, which are not recreating traditional ideas of how media has been even in the past.  Instead of bringing about new ideas where they are portraying the same thing, we are able to see on television.  It is just an easier way to obtain these cooking shows, comedy sketches, list is endless for all the information that you are able to obtain from multiple average people that are able to post their comments.  Just like commercials, instead of a product, we are sold a different way of viewing the world, lifestyles to strive for, or even dialogs that would effect how we would see or go throughout the world after seeing the clip or reading the comment.
         Then the real meaning of the youtube clip comes into play near the end of the clip with a quote by M. Strangelove "Capitalism's system of meaning production is not confronted with a highly decentralized communication system that treads meaning as public property."
         So as she is explaining this, she is explaining the ability for common people to send out a voice to the known world.  For the people that want to have a say in their community since they were unable to do so before.  This ability is enabling common people to comment with a computer.  In doing so, it was able to get a voice out for political uprisings.

Roy Forrest HUM 101

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