Sunday, July 22, 2012

My thoughts on 3D gamelab

      I thought it was a new learning experience in the classroom where at first I was having a big hurdle to jump over.  I was never into getting into the internet communication with blogger or tweet or any of those.  In fact, I only had 1 hotmail account before the class started that I have rarely used since early high school (which I still do not use very much).  However this class has broadened my perspective on the good ways in learning more about all the other ways to use the internet.  There is such a broad source of information that anyone can gather good information on the internet.  So why not try to use this as a classroom for learning.  Initial ways on explanation of how to use the program for beginners could be more step by step.  But after I did a few assignments as requested in a repeating fashion, I was able to catch on to how the system works.  After I got the hang of it I did like how it was set up.
     With the ability to see your progress, what you are working on, and what is coming up,  the main way the sight is built is rather quite good.  I do think that 3D game lab could be a good future learning classroom for students once they learn how to use the program.  It is quite forward with how we can take a new direction for the next generation for a classroom.  Any time we can do more with a broad access to so much information at our fingertips, I am all for.

Roy Forrest HUM101

My thoughts on evolution

Why I Believe In Evolution,

      I think that evolution is a reasonable source of data that could give us the reason of how we came to be in the world that we are living in today.  I believe in God myself too, not saying that I understand everything about this world myself, but couldn't evolution be the answer to how and not the answer to why.
      I grew up learning and dealing with quite a bit about geology from rocks and minerals, along with fossils and other past time creatures that lived on the planet.  My father was a geologist, so I was able to trip over boxes, and boxes of different samples of many of earths various elements and various fossils.  The past can reveal a lot about where everything came from, along with good knowledge that evolution could be a viable explanation for things.  As most people that understand the study of earth, there is one good example to show how we can judge what we are able to study in the earths time, the deeper we dig, the further into the past we can see or go.

      As scientists have been doing so for years, we have been able to obtain information from samples of the earth that can give us a idea of where we could have been built up from.  
      This is another example web-sight where another shared similar examples to what I can agree on some of the ideas of evolution
      I have always been fascinated with paleontology and geography.  It has always broadened by perspective on the view of the world whenever I am driving on the highway and happen to pass a rock formation or hill or mountain that has been blasted or dug into to make way for a highway.  Just looking at the different layers in the ground has always fascinated me on how they were possibly formed or created to settle in that way and how long they have been like that until it has been revealed by digging it up for my passing eyes on the highway to see.  
      One very good thing that I have learned over the years is that no-one really knows everything except for god.  That is also another thing that drives me into learning about many things.  So I can have the experiences and known knowledge on such things to understand a possibility on where we might have come from.  Not to an absolute answer of a yes or no, but a closer understanding by placing a few more pieces of the life puzzle together for our understanding.  
      I too have what I would like to say a respectable religious background in the LDS church.  I also see that god does things for a reason beyond our understanding.  But that is something that I do believe that he has left us these clues for us to broaden our perspective in the drive for understanding where we live and what has happened in our past.  I do believe all that the Bible and Book of Mormon has taught us and I do also like to understand much more about all points of view.  It helps me come up with a better conclusion for myself for whatever answer I might be looking for, wether I know, or know not what that answer is.

Roy Forrest HUM101

(William Brown group partner)
Why I don’t believe in evolution. 
It stems from mostly personal experience but I do have ways of portraying it logically.
I have to look at it in a way, that if god does exist then there has to be a reason that we are here. Then I see that I have to find a propose to be here. 
I have to look at what is written about the creation of earth from the beginning can a being create plants and animals and humans? 
In our day and age we can play with and change some DNA we have even in the most crudest of ways caused mutations through radiation and chemicals. We may not understand it yet but we can. We also have a understanding of molecules and how they work theoretically also enough to know how to break them apart in some fashion. When the bible says that god created man from the dust of the earth what could that be? Molecules? Are they not really the dust of the earth?
What are we as humans looking to do? Are we not trying to create things, make things better, live longer, and understand more make our bodies impervious to sickness? If aloud to we could probably make most of those things happen but we are bound by morals that stop us from doing those things. Because right now our knowledge is limited to a point. 
Lets now look at what some of the things we do know lets take for instance DNA that is past from parents to children we can see that dna can even have a say in how a child thinks and acts take for instance a child born to two parents that are fluent musicians that child can have a disposition to want to learn music and may even find it easier to learn than let’s say a child that is born to parents that are both doctors. Through our understanding we know this to be true in some circumstances. 
Now that I have explained a little of how I think I will go back to the beginning. If anyone believes that there is a god. There must be some reason to us being here. Now I said a lot of how I believe is based off personal experience. When I first had children I wanted for them to understand what I understood right away I wanted them to know through my experience what I have learned to keep them from making the same mistakes I made so that they would be able to have the time of their lives to make themselves even better than what I had. Inherently I feel that most people that have children feel the same. We know what works and what doesn’t work and we want to have that pasted on so that they can learn more. 
This is what I feel is the main reason that we are here. God put us here to learn to be more like him a being that is perfect and wants his children to be just like him and this is just kindergarten. The human body does have the ability to become perfect. It’s there, we don’t understand it, but we know it’s there. 
Bodies change faster than we want to believe. Evolution says we have become what we are now over billions of years I think that if we combine all that we know now we can see that a body can change in just one generation like what we have been looking at in our class i.e. the brain and how it has become rewired in our children to understand electronics. If you have ever watched supersize me we can see two things but only one is portrayed in the movie. What was portrayed in the movie was what we put into our bodes can directly affect our health. But one thing was not addressed was that his body even though at first started to kick back what was taken into it eventually it started to level off he says and talks about that he felt like he was going to possibly die. So he changes the parameters a little to trying to eat the more healthier meals that they provided. We know that our bodies can change to acclimate for the situation. If you watch survivor the tv show the people that were on the show to the end, you can see that in small ways their bodies also changed. Those were instances that were not meant for scientific studies had they had that in mind and people agreeing to step out of the moral boundaries of they could die if we do that then we could have seen even more of how the body works. Now let’s take bulimic’s and how they train their bodies to respond a certain way it may be unhealthy but that is what they do. They go without eating for days than they eat a little and the body does what with that food stores most of it as fat then the person feels fat then change back to not eating the it’s the same process all over. Let’s take someone that  is a marathon runner they know that at a certain part of the race there bodies have to go from burning carbohydrates to burning fats it’s the hardest part of the race but they have trained their bodies to do just that and it does it in a matter of minutes. It does take time to train their bodies but it happens. 
I think I have shown just a handful of ways that lead me to believe that we are not as old as we think. 
Now what if let’s say we are working toward perfecting our bodies what if at some point we eventually do just that like, we can communicate telepathically, we heal instantly and we don’t age. All things that we talk about and are looked at and its also pushed at us in many forms of media. What if that happens? could we not then say lets drop a man and a woman on a planet that we have made habitable and we know through experience what can happen. 
I am only telling you just a portion of what I think. I do believe that this world was created and we were put on this earth for a propose. And I do feel that we have a goal of to be like our parent God. Do I understand everything now? I don’t but I think that it is not meant for me to understand everything. Just like I can’t tell my son that the stove is hot and for him to understand what hot is and how heat is used for making food and how our bodies have used that food and how that makes our bodies pass on DNA and so on and so forth. He first has to touch that stove and get burned to understand heat. It is the same with god he gives us time to grow and learn but conflict and separation from each other through distance and cultures stop our growth even faster. If we combine our knowledge instead of I’m right your wrong we can see that its only through conflict that we stop our growth just like how when we put things into it that is foreign it sometimes fights it because it’s not how we have trained it but when we continue to do it our bodies acclimate to it and change sometimes good sometimes bad. I think that when the bible says that the natural man is an enemy to god that it means just that, when we fight it stops our growth to a crawl but then after we have come to a end of the fighting that we have changed sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad.
I would say that to end this I feel that this scripture I have says it all. 
All thing denote that there is a god yea even the earth and all thing that are upon the face of it, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness  that there is a supreme creator.
Ask yourself this, if I, Bill, am wrong what have I done with my life? If I believe that there is a god and follow what I feel is his teachings and do my best in growing and helping my children grow for the better. And if I find that I am right. I think just as when I go and see my father he would welcome me into his arms and I would be happy. But if there wasn’t a god then what have I done with my life but make the world a better place and can still be happy. But the opposite cannot say the same. If I lived a life of eat drink and be marry for tomorrow we shall die. When it happens I guess I will be happy but if I was wrong and there is a God it will be at that point that you might understand what god means when he says “there is a place called hell prepared for you It’s that pit of everlasting burning a hell” or to make it simple, to know for eternity that if you had just lived a life with god in it. That is a hell in itself to have regrets for eternity. I think I will play the game that is a win win not a side that has a win lose.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Movie Poster Comparison, Roy Forrest


One of my favorite remakes that I felt the story did the main plot justice is the movie TRON.  Even though it is in a way a continuation of the story where the main character of the new movie is the son of the main character in the first movie.

Original movie TRON (posted left) New release movie (posted right)

      Some of the first impression of colors uses was very futuristic and cyber like technology that was able to attract the attention of something new and advanced where an adventure would take place inside a computer.  Then the biggest differences between the two is the advancement in computer editing and computer graphics imaging. 

- On the older poster, the colors were a broad spectrum of a rock star era where music video's were a big hit with lots of visual color effects.  This tends to use the silhouette super-imposed with highlighting background light that shows our heros in a glorious and incredible glowing light.  This shows a new form of presence and abilities that would send the viewers imagination soaring in its own story plot-line.  In doing so, I see how I can be able to see how the entire story plot is built up to this moment in the poster.  
- On the newer poster, a mist-like world of technological advances were the entire picture is a technological mystery where a bright beam of light is beginning to engulf our heros.  Background shows many things as well to describe the event happening.  The worlds ground in the poster is showing what the computer world is built on.  Where the movie termed it as "The Grid".  It is also showing a few chapter story plots in the background as well, such as the light train and the digital city.  It is also pointing out the hero characters in their futuristic light suits in a world that is filled with light and darkness.  

As you can see, a lot of similar things are present between the two posters.  The TRON logo is positioned in the same area along with the similar hero position and posing.  The logo on the two have changed quite a bit where the new one is presented in a neon soft glowing outline and the original is a metallic, digitally etched in bold steel like feel with a shadow effect.  Of coarse the main pice is the disc that each hero is releasing into the light are identical as well.  

Some alterations were made to the re-make to appeal to todays trends of culture, such as how the female is posed differently than the original, and the background is revealing much more of the story than the original poster does as well.
Movie previews have turned out to be quite different as well such as the new version of viewing for the re-make, 3D.  Original bottom upper-right, re-make bottom left.

Works cited:

HUM 101 Roy Forrest

Digital Divide section 3 Roy Forrest

HUM 101 Roy Forrest

Digital Divide Section 3, 4 Article Selection,

      This chapter is talking about the ease or readily accessibility of being able to have a home entertainment center at your fingertips.  Instead of being confined to a home entertainment center that would be very difficult to move around for your entertainment.  It is now a portable way of being able to have your entertainment on the move such as a laptop computer, even a cell phone can stream movies or play your music along with many other options of entertainment.  This has also changed the regular older technology by combining such a large amount of different entertainment systems into such a small package.  Older technologies such as cd players, beeper, Palm Pilot, internet access, and numerous other things.  This tends to also become a distraction in some places such as theaters.  Commonly you are asked to turn your cell phones off while watching the move.  There are also some ideas of devices to block mobil phones are going to become ready for restaurants and theater owners.

Wikipedia and beyond: Jimmy Wales's sprawling vision
      Jimmy Wales is the founder of Wikipedia who lives in a simple grandmother like home near St. Petersburg, Florida.  He seems to be on top of his game with him keeping in touch with the average routine of a teenager going to normal stores such as Starbucks, mall shopping, and others as well.  Wales is mentioned as an Internet rock star.  He was in the list of 100 most influential people of 2006.  Wikipedia dominate a lot of Google search results, which in turn is what it is about with the ability for free encyclopedia where anyone can edit something.  Even though he says he has no rich guy status, he is still able to see and hang out with people like the Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, the Virgin CEO Richard Branson's private island is where he likes to hang out too.  He still tries to play it low key even though he has a strange amount of power since he has changed the way people extract information form the web.  One issue with Wikipedia is the accuracy of information that is searched, they are not always 100% correct, it is a collaboration of ideas from many people to say it is true (from the web sights point of view that is).

Judgement: of Molly's gaze and Taylor's watch
      This chapter is about a very young little girl that was climbing bookcases and yanking toys off shelves for her normal daily routine.  While she was hugging a teddybear and having all these toys to play with, she was then really gazing at a TV show with an image that caught her attention.  It was a Sesame Street show that caught her attention.
       A University of Massachusetts professor went on talking about a way of studies for heart rate, eye tracking, and other things to understand what is going on when television is being watched by viewers. One thing that was found was people are not as glued to the screen as people might think they are.  On average, both children and adults look away and at the TV up to one hundred and fifty times and hour.  Only if the look lasts fifteen seconds or longer are we likely to watch for up to ten minutes at a stretch, which is also called "attentional inertia" (John E. Richards and Daniel Anderson).  Many things can deter us away from being interested in watching something such as if it either too fast or too slow, our attention slips away.  But what attracts us normally is the content can be challenging for us.

A Dream Come True
      This chapter is talking about the internet's character.  Web 2.0 is a term for the participating culture that has become a social reality.  No person, fact, or event is beyond anyones grasp.  This applies to any online experience that allows the user to help create, edit, or revise content viewed on a website.  Interacting with other users, sharing pictures, music, notes and many things.  Some "old" media news organizations like Time is frightened by the internet, claims of "old" media's impending irrelevance that its "person of the Year" in 2006, it put a picture of a computer screen on the magazine's cover with the word "You."  Then it went on to celebrate the new digital democracy with Web 2.0.
      College students used to be the most active people of society.  The ones that often protested war, racial bias, social policies.  If corruption or injustice occurred in the city or town where they went to school, they took to the streets to demonstrate or march with locals to stand on a picket line.  Now they seem to tremble before the internet's truth-eliding, boundary-busting juggernaut.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Unpopular Culture by Roy

Hunger Games is a Bad Taste Movie

    I have to think that the new hit movie "Hunger Games" is a very bad movie for kids, or even adults to watch.  I watched the movie in the theatre with some of my family.  We heard about it and heard it was a good movie to see, turned out to be quite morally sour to my taste.  Its a story about a futuristic world that a very wealthy culture is now basing their entertainment on watching a tournament about kids that the age range from 9 to mid teen years.  In the tournament they, in short, brutally kill each other off to win the games, and traditionally only 1 person survives in this hunger games competition.
    Gladiator, 300, Braveheart, and many other battle type movies are and have been for the most part been based on historical perspective.  It has always been great storytelling about brave courageous men and women beating the odds.  But when I watch a horrible depiction of wars and battles, there are no "children" that are forced to enter into a battle for their life for peoples entertainment in this fashion.  These movie stories have battle strung men that have lived their lives, are willing or have a drive to battle for a great cause for themselves, their country, families, or any other motivation to go to war; or to try to get out of a war fighting.
    I strongly think it is really low for movie makers to make such a movie, I really don't think it is a good moral teaching movie.  Kids killing other kids for a rich communities entertainment; and watching that kind of story plot in the movie was in my opinion, very bad taste for a movie plot.  There is enough bad idea violence in movies, why bring kids into it.
       This little clip is one way that I really felt about the movie to the T.
    I do kind of see this movie as a joke at this point because of how ridiculous the plot is.  Even though they have all that technology and everything else.  They still are worried about being popular and getting good ratings.  Even if there a very long shot possibility for a time where people were swept into this type of world and are forced to endure this type of life, I do not see how you can end up walking away from the movie theatre feeling better about yourself.

Roy Forrest

Monday, July 9, 2012

Roy Forrest Everybody Googles

My first thing that I tried worked in finding the web-sight that shows the letter from using the main name on the letter of : Mrs. Henry M. Robert It shown the letter in a pic format that shown it as the first one shown did.  File copy of letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to president general of the DAR.

I was able to find the map under the search of: ap newsfeatures background map jailed, which brought up the Virginia Memory Library of Virginia. I first tried looking under just ap newsfeatures which did not bring it up, then added jailed, then added background map which worked right away for on the top of the page.

I was able to see a lot of documents where this one was able to show not just the document, but a typed out version of the police report.  I found it on the search using J. F. Blake police report document and the second question on the list brought up the sight.  It took me forever to find even this credible websight that shown documentation on the actual paper letter document.

The house of representatives roll call I used the search under the the options menu on google and clicked on images and then typed the search under house of representatives 1964 roll call which brought the picture up right away on the very first picture of the search results on the web-page.

Reading Quest 4

HUM 101 Roy Forrest
Reading Quest 4 from "The Digital Divide"

Section Two - Social Life, Personal Life, School

---- Identity crisis
          This chapter is based on how we are becoming more and more dependent on newer and better technology or computer use in our lives.  The cultural virtual world is also something that has progressed over time that is now more abundant on how to, in a sense, describe yourself on the internet.  It is also talking earlier on metaphorically on how the way the system is set up is comparing it to a human body and how it copes with things in a health sense.  Such as anti body things to help fight off bad things entering it.  Some people also get the feeling of online personal feelings such as if they cross a boundary that they are not used to they can feel uncomfortable, they can feel relief, and even finding self satisfaction.  The communication has become very stylized on the personality that people take part in the conversations they have.
---- They Call Me Cyberboy
          This chapter is talking about the earlier days where he was talking about the new thing that was hitting the computers in the late 1980's called the internet.  The people that knew him at the time were unable to understand what he was really talking about and ended up calling him cyberboy and meaning it in a bad way like an insult.  He also went on talking about how Macintosh soon became a central way of getting high like hippies on drugs, where they spent their waking hours doing this.  They were in a sense some of the first computer aged nerds in his description.  They would always try to recruit new comers to their world to convert them to this new world.  Eventually big corporations wanted to use this because they liked how they needed to stay ahead of the curve in the world and wanted to keep in touch with public relations.  It became a marketing paradise.
---- The People's Net
       This chapter is describing the ways that people are really loving the internet for how we spend our time on it really backs this comment up as well.  In this chapters figures, the amount of time spent for people using the internet is on average 20.2 hours looking at internet sites in March 2001, which was a gain from 15.9 hours the previous year, and 12.8 hours the year before that.  So we are spending more and more time on the computer.  People are now using the internet not just for communication, but for purchasing and shopping for products online where there are more than 100 million Americans doing this now.  It seemed that the government dubbed the internet as a research project that soon became alive to the public that became confusing in a good way.
----  Love Online
      This chapter is describing the close relationships of people meeting online.  He talked about his own personal life with how his son used the internet to meet a girlfriend.  The writer had similar experiences where he would meet someone somewhere for school, but after they left the camp.  They would not really keep in touch after they left each other.  This form of communication for his son, he was able to meet someone online in a place that he was not having as much luck with the ladies in his normal life.  So it built up to the point where they spoke of going out even though they were very far away from each other.  Her father screened her phone calls but did not pay as much attention on what she was doing online from her computer.  Eventually the son did have phone communication with the father asking permission to see her.