Monday, July 9, 2012

Roy Forrest Everybody Googles

My first thing that I tried worked in finding the web-sight that shows the letter from using the main name on the letter of : Mrs. Henry M. Robert It shown the letter in a pic format that shown it as the first one shown did.  File copy of letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to president general of the DAR.

I was able to find the map under the search of: ap newsfeatures background map jailed, which brought up the Virginia Memory Library of Virginia. I first tried looking under just ap newsfeatures which did not bring it up, then added jailed, then added background map which worked right away for on the top of the page.

I was able to see a lot of documents where this one was able to show not just the document, but a typed out version of the police report.  I found it on the search using J. F. Blake police report document and the second question on the list brought up the sight.  It took me forever to find even this credible websight that shown documentation on the actual paper letter document.

The house of representatives roll call I used the search under the the options menu on google and clicked on images and then typed the search under house of representatives 1964 roll call which brought the picture up right away on the very first picture of the search results on the web-page.

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