Sunday, July 8, 2012

My lovemark for a Mac

Roy Forrest's lovemark for a Mac

Growing up, my cousin and their family seemed to always have a Mac computer laptop that they loved it because they never had any serious issues with it.  They seemed to never have any virus issues, freezing issues, or having to go out of their way of their day to spend it to try to get anything else that the computer would require to do something that they were doing at the time. Another friend of mine seemed to always talk highly about his Mac computer because of how simplistic it was to use.  I especially liked to hear how there were no common issues happening with him either that would slow down my day at the computer where instead of doing what I wished to do, I would spend it trying to either figure out why the computer froze or some other problem that I never really wanted to care about solving.  So many hurtles to try to jump over with the PC.
        So these were very good examples for me to contemplate on what kind of computer I would consider to purchase.  While I was going through the choices on all the different computers that I would be able to purchase, I have gone through a few standard affordable computers growing up.  I had heard about a lot of the good things that Mac computers were able to do, what I was unaware of was I was about to find my new love of computers.
         Since I was used to using a standard PC with all the issues that it was giving me, I decided it was time for me to get a computer that would not give me a hassle.  After I bought my MacBook Pro, I was more than in love for what the computer was able to do for me.  It has never given me a big reason for me to question my purchase.  Since the MacBook Pro, I have also spent my good hard working paycheck on a few more really good purchases where I was more than happy to spend my money on.  I bought a iPod touch, iPhone for my wife, then another iPhone for myself, and we now have a very cool desktop Mac with a big screen with great memory and speed that is very useful.
          What is the coolest features I love from these of these, they are able to communicate with each other without any hassle.  Whenever I get a new app or product on the computer, they are able to communicate with each other.  In short, Mac has made my life easier.
           I am really love my Mac computer for all the attention I receive in a classroom when I am taking notes or doing assignments.  Other people that see me with my Mac seem to be envious and see how wonderful the computer has treated me in all the schoolwork I am able to do.  It has been a big part on how I am able to do so much in my life, I also go through so much time spending on my iTunes listening to music and watching sound graphics that look really cool and colorful.  I fully enjoy the beautiful screen that shows so much vibrant beautiful colors in such sharp detail that my eyes are in a sense relaxed to the screen.  The keyboard seems to be the perfect size for my hand size with also how the keys gently glow underneath the keys.  I really love my Mac, it has made me feel really confident and even cool about how I am when I am on my computer.  I am proud to own a Mac, and anyone else with a Mac probably loves their Mac too.

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