Sunday, July 22, 2012

My thoughts on 3D gamelab

      I thought it was a new learning experience in the classroom where at first I was having a big hurdle to jump over.  I was never into getting into the internet communication with blogger or tweet or any of those.  In fact, I only had 1 hotmail account before the class started that I have rarely used since early high school (which I still do not use very much).  However this class has broadened my perspective on the good ways in learning more about all the other ways to use the internet.  There is such a broad source of information that anyone can gather good information on the internet.  So why not try to use this as a classroom for learning.  Initial ways on explanation of how to use the program for beginners could be more step by step.  But after I did a few assignments as requested in a repeating fashion, I was able to catch on to how the system works.  After I got the hang of it I did like how it was set up.
     With the ability to see your progress, what you are working on, and what is coming up,  the main way the sight is built is rather quite good.  I do think that 3D game lab could be a good future learning classroom for students once they learn how to use the program.  It is quite forward with how we can take a new direction for the next generation for a classroom.  Any time we can do more with a broad access to so much information at our fingertips, I am all for.

Roy Forrest HUM101

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