Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Unpopular Culture by Roy

Hunger Games is a Bad Taste Movie

    I have to think that the new hit movie "Hunger Games" is a very bad movie for kids, or even adults to watch.  I watched the movie in the theatre with some of my family.  We heard about it and heard it was a good movie to see, turned out to be quite morally sour to my taste.  Its a story about a futuristic world that a very wealthy culture is now basing their entertainment on watching a tournament about kids that the age range from 9 to mid teen years.  In the tournament they, in short, brutally kill each other off to win the games, and traditionally only 1 person survives in this hunger games competition.
    Gladiator, 300, Braveheart, and many other battle type movies are and have been for the most part been based on historical perspective.  It has always been great storytelling about brave courageous men and women beating the odds.  But when I watch a horrible depiction of wars and battles, there are no "children" that are forced to enter into a battle for their life for peoples entertainment in this fashion.  These movie stories have battle strung men that have lived their lives, are willing or have a drive to battle for a great cause for themselves, their country, families, or any other motivation to go to war; or to try to get out of a war fighting.
    I strongly think it is really low for movie makers to make such a movie, I really don't think it is a good moral teaching movie.  Kids killing other kids for a rich communities entertainment; and watching that kind of story plot in the movie was in my opinion, very bad taste for a movie plot.  There is enough bad idea violence in movies, why bring kids into it.
       This little clip is one way that I really felt about the movie to the T.
    I do kind of see this movie as a joke at this point because of how ridiculous the plot is.  Even though they have all that technology and everything else.  They still are worried about being popular and getting good ratings.  Even if there a very long shot possibility for a time where people were swept into this type of world and are forced to endure this type of life, I do not see how you can end up walking away from the movie theatre feeling better about yourself.

Roy Forrest

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